Is it Definitely Nursing Home Abuse?

Whether you have an elderly loved one in a nursing home in Los Angeles County or you currently reside in a nursing home yourself, you may be hesitant to report your concerns about nursing home abuse or neglect if you do not feel certain. In other words, it may be stressful to debate over whether or not to seek help from a Los Angeles County nursing home abuse attorney or to file a report with authorities if you do not feel 100% sure that the signs or symptoms you are witnessing rise to the level of abuse in a skilled nursing facility. Many people wonder if they are observing evidence of nursing home abuse and if they should report. When in doubt, it is always better to seek assistance than to allow a potentially abusive or neglectful situation to continue. We want to say more about identifying nursing home abuse in Southern California and what you should do if you need help. 

Know the Varied Signs and Symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

There are a wide variety of ways that nursing home abuse and neglect manifests itself since there are so many different forms that abuse can take. Nursing home abuse can be physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual in nature. Neglect can also be unintentional but can result in devastating consequences for which a facility can be liable. If you see any of the following signs or symptoms, you should seek advice from a nursing home abuse attorney who can help you. Reporting a case—even if it turns out there is a logical explanation for a senior’s symptoms—is better than a harmful situation continuing.

Common signs of abuse include but are not limited to the following:

  • Signs of physical abuse or neglect in a senior nursing home resident, such as bruises, welts, cuts, broken bones, general unkempt appearance, bed sores, or missing medical aids;
  • Signs of infection in a senior that are not being treated;
  • Any sudden and unexplained changes in a senior’s behavior, such as becoming more reserved or despondent, or demonstrating a lack of interest in activities that the senior used to enjoy, or any other signs of anxiety or depression;
  • Any remarks from a senior that suggest a problem with a particular staff member or fear of a specific staff member;
  • High employment turnover at the nursing home or assisted living facility;
  • Signs that the nursing home is understaffed, such as frantic employees, unanswered phones, or any other indications of a chaotic environment; and
  • Unwillingness at the facility to take safety concerns seriously, including any kind of record of resident falls or other injuries due to hazards on the premises or lack of sufficient monitoring and care.

Trust Your Instincts

While you might feel uncomfortable about moving forward with your suspicions about nursing home abuse or neglect when you do not have any clear-cut evidence, it is important to trust your own instincts. According to U.S. News & World Report, when it comes to issues of nursing home negligence, you should trust yourself if anything at a skilled nursing facility gives you a “bad feeling,” including a general sense that “something is not right.”

Seek Advice from a Los Angeles County Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Do you have questions about filing a nursing home case? Our Los Angeles County nursing home abuse attorneys are here to help. Contact the Walton Law Firm today.


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