
Elder Abuse Bill Reintroduced

For the fourth congress in a row, a bill designed to protect seniors from elder abuse has been reintroduced. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark, submitted the bill with the goal of protecting elderly Americans from physical, financial, and psychological abuse.

The bill would order the federal government to collect data on elder abuse; penalize failure to report abuse in long-term care facilities; provide Adult Protective Services grants with $100 million annually for four years; and create a council to coordinate federal, state and local response to elder abuse.

Hatch noted that more that 500,000 elderly Americans are subject of domestic elder abuse, and that the government currently spends almost $7 billion a year on child abuse, but only $163 on elder abuse. He stated that the growing number of elders demands that action be taken.

The nursing home elder abuse attorneys at Walton Law Firm LLP represent individuals and families throughout Southern California, including case of San Diego elder abuse, Orange County elder abuse, and Riverside elder abuse, who have suffered due to abuse or neglect in the nursing home and assisted living setting.

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